Together…Anything is possible

Together…Anything is possible

We’d love you to be part of the newly formed Ramsey Chamber of Commerce. We re-instituted it in July of 2012. As of October 1st, 2012, we have over 110 members in our chamber. We are in the process of contacting all of the businesses in the Ramsey area about this exciting program. There are 3 three criteria for enrollment:

#1: Have a brick and mortar business location in Ramsey, New Jersey.
#2: Running your business out of your home in Ramsey, New Jersey.
#3: Do ½ half of your business in the town of Ramsey, New Jersey.

Our main focus for the chamber is getting our members business names out there to the community to drive business back to Ramsey. We have over 1,000 businesses in Ramsey & many of the local residents do not even know that they exist. This will be our first focus. The next part is to re-connect the citizens of Ramsey with the business community through charity events, town events and getting re-acquainted with the overall community. At the end of the day, this all about driving referral business back into the town of Ramsey.

Ramsey is such a beautiful town and we thought the time for a chamber was well over due. The original chamber was formed back in 1925 and fizzled out in the 80’s. This time we have the Mayor’s backing and two council people on our staff. This only adds additional credibility to our cause.

Our pricing philosophy is to keep the current economy in mind and that is why we came up with an affordable annual fee of $35.00. From there, we have a pay-in system of contributing when you see a program / event that you think is beneficial to your company, you simply pay-in for that situation.

If you have any questions / etc., please feel free to contact Robert Tilton at ( 201 ) 851-2200 or at

Like we previously stated….Together…Anything is possible

We look forward to hearing from you in the near future….

Take Care,

The Ramsey Chamber of Commerce
120 East Main Street # 270
Ramsey, New Jersey 07446